Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Haiti Update

For the first time in several days, American Airlines resumed flights in and out of Port-au-Prince today. Unrest over Presidential election results continues but with much less intensity. North American foreign ministers are pressuring the Haitian government to recount the votes from the election in order to verify the results.

As for the Cholera outbreak, the official death toll now stands at 2,323. However, the recent violence has hampered relief efforts, and as a result, there is some indication the death toll may not be accurate. Please ask God to be with the people of Haiti and return the sense of calm which had been prevalent for the past several months.

In an effort to assure the Haitian people they have not been forgotten in their great time of need, Franklin Graham of Samaritans Purse along with Sarah Palin visited Haiti over the weekend. One of their stops was one of Samaritans Purse cholera treatment clinics in Cite Soleil, an extremely poverty stricken area of Port-au-Prince.

John Rodgers

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